Tuesday, 10 June 2014

My House

This was inspired by a #ThePush prompt when I had too much to say in 140 characters, and I recorded an audioboo instead. I have also included  a photo of the house which I forgot at the time I made the recording.

I grew up in a house that was designed for us. It was always special. I felt safe there and loved every brick and tile, every nook and cranny.

I sat on windowsills and dreamed as I gazed across open fields, of a loving husband and children of my own. My wedding reception was even held in the garden. I went into labour there and it was my eldest son's first home before we moved abroad. It was the house I ran to when my marriage broke up.

I left a part of me there when we moved out.

I dream of winning the lottery so I can buy the house back again.

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