Monday, 14 October 2013

Losing my cool

I wasn't going to make any cases this afternoon, then decided to try something different on a Kindle case. I tried a freehand design using felting wool rather than felt. I quite like it and will probably use this one myself, though I realise it is not everyone's cup of tea.

While making this case, 2 of the needles broke making a total of 3 broken out of 12. So I decided to change them (rather than wait for hubs to get home). I managed to dismantle it okay and I DID put everything safely aside. One of the needles would not come out, so I had to pull sharply and then one of the little nuts flew off the table. I was in tears. I hunted for over 45 minutes and couldn't find it. I rang hubs who said he would bring a very strong magnet home with him. Then suddenly I found it and managed to put the machine back together AND it is running perfectly!!

The case depicts rather large flowers growing in a field! I do like the way I have done the sky though.

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